Achieving Net Zero requires both significant reductions in carbon emissions AND effective carbon removals. To this end, the BRC Mondra Coalition has made remarkable progress in advancing the emissions reduction agenda. We have evolved from utilizing indicative data for identifying hotspots to leveraging more detailed and robust data that supports complex commercial decision-making.

However, the same level of progress cannot be said for carbon removals.

We currently navigate a complex landscape filled with varying accounting methods and terminologies, which can create apprehension about making the right investment choices. Drawing from our experience in scaling emissions quantification, the BRC Mondra Coalition is now focused on developing a comprehensive carbon removals strategy. This strategy aims to establish a shared vision for our path toward Net Zero, encompassing both reductions and removals, - outlining the necessary framework, data sources, governance, and other essential components to ensure successful implementation.

In this webinar, we will be covering:

  • How carbon removals play into the Net Zero agenda for retailers
  • The business case for carbon removals, and action now
  • How carbon removals feature in the new SBTi targets for the FLAG sector
  • What the Carbon Removals Inventory Programme looks like and how you can get involved

We will also be hosting a Q&A session to help provide clarity on any questions you may have about this new area of carbon assessment.

