The next HR Directors Meeting is scheduled for 19 November 2024 (1pm-2.30pm, MS Teams), please see the agenda below:

HR Directors meeting agenda

19 November 2024, 1 pm – 2.30 pm, Microsoft Teams

    1 Welcome and Introductions (Amanda Cox, Chair)

    2 Policy update (Luiza Gomes, Policy Lead, BRC)

    a) Employment Rights Bill

    i. Summary of the proposals

    ii. Timeline

    iii. BRC Position

    iv. Open consultations

    b) Budget and latest announcement

    i. National Minimum Wage

    ii. National Insurance Contributions

    c) Skills England

    d) Department for Work and Pensions plans to get people back to work

    e) Northern Ireland Employment Rights Bill latest developments

    3 Economic impact analysis of upcoming changes (Harvir Dhillon, Economist, BRC)

    a) National Minimum Wage

    b) National Insurance Contributions

    c) Employment Rights Bill proposals

    d) Other possible costs

    4 Ethical Labour updates (Sophie de Salis, Sustainability Policy Advisor, BRC)

    5 Legislative and Campaign update (Tom McCarthy, External Affairs Manager, BRC)

    6 AOB

    These are quarterly meetings aimed at HR Directors and senior leaders, and are an opportunity to update members on the latest developments and for members to set the forward agenda on key strategic issues. 

    The meeting is by invitation only. If you are a senior HR representative of your organisation and would like to join this and future HR Directors meetings, please contact

    Contact Luiza to get involved

    email Luiza Gomes