As a world-leading national standards body with over 120 years of experience, BSI is dedicated to helping retail clients operate in a manner that is safer, more secure, and more sustainable. Incorporated by Royal Charter, we pride ourselves on our impartiality and serve as the ultimate mark of trust through our renowned Kitemark.

At BSI, we offer a comprehensive suite of standards, certification, and training solutions tailored to support the unique needs and objectives of the retail sector. Our services include internal auditing and supplier auditing, designed to drive operational excellence and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Whether your aim is to secure more business opportunities, enhance health and safety practices, or develop a leading business strategy, our team of internal auditing experts stands ready to assist you in achieving your goals. Furthermore, our global supplier auditing service is dedicated to mitigating risks associated with poor supply chain performance, legal issues, and maintaining quality standards across high-risk industries.

With our unique blend of consulting, knowledge, assurance, and regulatory services, BSI empowers organizations to become more resilient and inspires trust in their products, systems, and services. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your retail operations and thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Key Contact

Andy Gaskell
Marketing Manager – Consumer Promise


+44 7887 628 592


Kitemark Court
Davy Avenue
Milton Keynes MK5 8PP