Welcome to the go-to trade association for UK retail
It's good to have you with us.
Whether you are a retailer active in the UK or you supply services to them...
whether you're large or small...
whether you sell food or non-food
whether you have physical stores, are a pureplay online retailer or something in between...
We're the trade association that can help you operate competitively, ethically, legally, safely and sustainably.

Network with and learn from your industry peers
Our communities are the mechanism to maximise the value of BRC membership. They’re free to join for all employees of BRC members.

Become a member
Our members come with many different needs. To reflect this, we offer three membership types: Retail Member, Associate Member and Trade Association Member.

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Timely, relevant, actionable insights to support the retail industry and help your business
Become a member, join the community
Our communities are exclusively for our members. Joining is easier and cheaper than you might think. We have 3 types of membership: Retail, Associate and Trade Association.