Through our Trade Association members, we ensure that the voice of smaller, niche retail businesses are represented and heard.

Supporting niche trade associations and their members
Collaboration is key – SGF works closely with not only BRC but also sit on the board of the SRC, pooling our resources to tackle issues that affect our sector here in Scotland. In addition, one of the most valuable resources from our membership of BRC is the array of statistics available. These are a great insight into the industry, and offer our own members within the convenience sector guidance on movement within their own businesses
The BRC not only helps us shape much of the content we share with our own members; through their research-led and data-rich approach they provide clarity around areas of advocacy and agenda setting that is hugely helpful. The work that the BRC undertakes not only informs our position it helps us arrive at it in a timely and more efficient manner.
GCVA value being a trade association member of the BRC. It is a great way for us to keep up to date with the wider retail sector and share the fantastic research the BRC delivers. We also value the BRC support on our key campaigning issues, many of which are relevant across the BRC membership.