This report is provided by BRC Associate Member, BSI.


BSI are proud to present the 2024 edition of their supply chain risks and opportunities report.  From manufacturing to energy, organizations worldwide are sharing their challenges and strategies to navigate the evolving supply chain landscape.

Why Download the Report? 

  1. Comprehensive Insights: Gain a deep understanding of the pressing challenges impacting supply chains globally and how industry leaders are mitigating risks.
  2. Sustainability Solutions: Learn how collaboration among organizations can significantly reduce carbon emissions and enhance sustainability within supply chains.
  3. Weathering the Storm: Explore the importance of a 360-degree perspective on climate-related events to ensure supply chain resilience in the face of changing weather patterns.
  4. Harnessing Technology: Discover how AI and data insights are revolutionizing supply chain operations, improving efficiency, and saving costs.
  5. Adaptability and Trust: Embrace an agile mindset to navigate geopolitical uncertainties and evolving digital technologies while fostering trust-driven relationships in your supply chain.

The convergence of geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, and technology disruptions demands innovative approaches to supply chain management. Organizations must think differently, collaborate effectively, and leverage new technologies to thrive in this dynamic environment.


Join BSI on the road to progress. Download the BSI 2024 Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities Report to gain the insights you need for a sustainable, efficient, and resilient supply chain.