Earlier this year, the Lords Built Environment Committee held an inquiry into public transport in towns and cities.

The deadline for written evidence closed in March, but the Committee are welcoming views from retailers.

Below are the questions the Committee have posed, although there is no expectation to respond to all. 

  1. What are the current and anticipated levels of public transport demand and capacity in towns and cities in England? What influences public transport travel patterns? How does the choice of public transport vary across different demographic groups?
  2. How might public transport travel patterns shift in the next 10 years? What impact could digitalisation and the COVID-19 pandemic have on travel patterns in the long term?
  3. What can be done to improve connectivity across public transport modes? How could better integration be delivered in urban areas outside London?
  4. What are the likely areas of innovation in urban public transport over the next 10 years? How should public policy be shaped considering both incremental and transformational innovations? How could data help transport services meet consumer demand?
  5. Are local authorities well equipped with appropriate funding and powers to deliver high-quality public transport services? Would further devolution of transport policy contribute to better outcomes?
  6. Could better policy coordination across government departments, and between central and local government, improve public transport outcomes? If so, how can this be achieved?
  7. What are the barriers to improving urban public transport, in terms of delivering the necessary infrastructure, increasing connectivity and improving the consumer experience?
  8. Are there other important changes, not covered elsewhere in these questions, which would improve matters?

If you would like to send a submission to the inquiry - even if only brief - please get in touch with Tom McCarthy