The Modern Slavery Unit, as part of the Home Office, have launched a number of improvements to the modern slavey statement registry, aiming to increase the number of statements being uploaded and also to support businesses to publish more robust statements.
The following updates to the registry are now live:
- one-off email notification to registered companies who have not uploaded a statement since the registry was launched in 2021
- email reminders to registered companies every year to prompt them to submit their latest annual statement
- if companies have not yet uploaded their annual statement, they will first receive a reminder one month before the deadline
- a further reminder will be sent 2 weeks before the deadline and a final reminder one week prior to the deadline
- changes to the statement summary pages and search pages to clearly show how many of the recommended sections a company has completed on the registry – this will allow customers to make more informed decisions and see how companies are working to eliminate modern slavery in their supply chains
Next Steps
The MSU have also begun the commercial process to partner with a suitable organisation to redraft the statutory guidance for ‘transparency in supply chains’. An initial capability assessment has been sent to registered research & evaluation suppliers on the government Dynamic Processing System. The full commercial tender will begin after this so that they can start work this summer. Their aim is to support businesses to identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery in their operations.
The registry was launched in 2021 to help bring modern slavery statements together onto a single platform on GOV.UK. Since launch, over 13,000 statements covering nearly 45,000 organisations have been submitted to the registry on a voluntary basis. This greatly supports business transparency and the ability for consumers, civil society and investors to scrutinise action.
As part of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, some companies are legally required to publish statements if all of the following criteria apply:
- it is a ‘body corporate’ or a partnership, wherever incorporated or formed
- it carries on a business, or part of a business, in the UK
- it supplies goods or services
- it has an annual turnover of £36 million or more
Modern slavery statements can also bring a number of business benefits including:
- protecting and enhancing an organisation’s reputation and brand
- protecting and growing the organisation’s customer base as more consumers seek out businesses with higher ethical standards
- improved investor confidence
- greater staff retention and loyalty based on values and respect
- developing more responsive, stable and innovative supply chains
See the Government guidance on publishing an annual modern slavery statement to help you identify if your organisation needs to publish a modern slavery statement and how to upload to the registry.