Please see here for our policy updates for late April and beginning of May, which includes:

- The latest on Precision Breeding (Gene Editing) for the EU and UK, including the UK's recent workshops with stakeholders that the BRC has been involved in.

- Information on the FSA's (Food Standards Agency's) Food Crime Review and the BRC's involvement with our members.

- Border control updates for the Target Operating Model (TOM).

- Updates on Avian Flu and Animal Welfare, including the recent lifting of the housing order.

- An update on how the Department of Health (DHSC) is handling REUL (Retained EU Law).

- Minutes from our Nutrition, Labelling & Legislation and Micro working groups, including dates of the next meetings, including our in-person event on 18th May at the BRC offices in Covent Garden.

- Latest on food waste in the news.

Please let us know if you would like to join any communities/calls or have any questions. It's all part of your BRC membership!