Hope everyone has had a great week.

The updates for this issue (see here) include:

- Updated briefings on Precision Breeding and Border Controls, including the latest publication of the 2nd labelling guidance tranche for the Windsor Framework.

- Meeting minutes for our micro, nutrition and labelling & legislation working groups, which included incident updates from FSA, ultraprocessed foods and MSM guidance (mechanically separated meat).

- Updated guidance from the FSA for listeria and smoked / cured fish that we were involved in briefings for.

- Glycerol in slush drinks that we were involved in for our comments/feedback on the upcoming guidance.

- Our final comments for the DEFRA wine consultation.

- Information on HFSS for Wales.

And more! 

It was also great to be invited to the FSA's new working group on Root Cause Analysis and continue to be involved in the food fraud working group meetings. 

Have a great weekend and holidays if you are away!