Lot's happening in food and sustainability in the last couple of weeks! Please see here for our policy updates from the rest of May up to June, which includes:

- FSA/FSS updates, including:

  • Revised guidance of less than thoroughly cooked beef burgers
  • Food fraud
  • Achieving Business Compliance (ABC) program - a vision for a future regulatory system
  • MSM guidance
  • Sweeteners WHO response
  • Kcals guidance

- Sustainability updates on single use plastics and food waste.

- DEFRA wine consultation.

- Allergens - including our work on the labelling consultation and our recent allergen working group where the UK Flour Millers came to speak to us about mustard and soya in wheat.

- Windsor Framework - our letter with feedback on the issue of ‘Not for EU’ GB labelling and an update on the delay for the labelling guidance publication for products moving from GB to Northern Ireland.

- DHSC, REUL and CQUIN updates.

- Early Warning System notifications for imported food and feed.

Please let us know if you would like to join any communities/calls or have any questions. It's all part of your BRC membership!

And a reminder, members can now use our HQ offices in Covent Garden, with a number of spaces available for meetings and events. There are free spaces available as well as some bigger event spaces where members can benefit from a 25% discount on room hire. Find out more here.