Foot & Mouth Disease in Slovakia

Three cases of FMD have been reported on three cattle farms in Southern Slovakia, close to Hungary. This is the first case since 1974.

The first clinical signs were reported on Thursday 20th March, and actions taken include culling of approximately 2000 animals within the three farms and a 3km radius.

As part of wider control measures designed to minimise the risk of spread Slovakian authorities are prohibiting entry to forests, no animal hunting or exhibitions are permitted, and animal gatherings are banned throughout the country. 

There is also restrictions on animal movements and moves to slaughter houses.

Laboratory reports are awaited, so details on the serotype and if linked to the Hungary outbreak is unknown at this stage.

Due to concerns from the previous FMD outbreaks, UK restrictions have been imposed for all of Hungary and Slovakia, and there are no changes.

The UK remains FMD free without vaccination in the UK and no suspect cases are under investigation at this time. 

However, there is an evolving situation in Europe and the current risk of incursion of FMD to the UK is medium.


BRC Leaders Summer School

10th June - 24th July 2025 at Ashridge House, Berkhamsted