BEIS Select Committee launches inquiry into the UK labour market

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee launched an inquiry into the current state of play of the UK’s labour market.

The inquiry looks at five different factors, including the impact of the pandemic and the post-Brexit reality on recruitment, skills shortages and the growth of the labour market, the impact of different shifts in the workplace such as technology and AI, workers’ rights, and modern working practices and the impacts of the aging population on the labour market.

There are some areas where you might be able to share views and help the BRC drive our agenda forward, such as:

  • Do we have enough workers with the right skills in the right places?
  • Which sectors are experiencing the most acute shortages of workers since the pandemic? Have there been structural changes in the labour market post-Covid?
  • What more can the Government do to ensure that employers are able to recruit people with the right skills for the job, including the effective use of apprentices?

There are other areas where you might also be able to contribute, including training for the increased use of technology, changes to employment law to ensure workers’ rights, changes in working practices due to working from home, and the increase in flexible work.

The committee is also looking for case studies on the skills and training needed for different sectors in the coming months or years.

Members are invited to respond directly and/or share written feedback with Luiza Paludo Gomes ( and also get in touch to discuss if that is better.

The inquiry closes on 8 July 2022.


DLME roundtable and forward strategy

The Director of Labour Market Enforcement is working on its 2023/24 strategy and has joined BRC members for a roundtable on Monday, 27 May. At the meeting, the Director herself, Margaret Bells OBE, presented the findings of the consultation that closed on 31 May, including:

  • Changes in the labour market with higher risk for vulnerable workers, changes in recruitment practices, issues with seasonal workers and others
  • Initiatives and points raised around compliance: including protocols and the fact that NMW naming scheme should distinguish between intentional and accidental non-compliance
  • It also touched on what else can be done to encourage and support good practice, including extending licencing and moving toward a culture of openness

You can access the presentation here. The director highlighted that the findings of the consultation are summarised in the slides and will inform the 2023/24 strategy and made a plea for members to flag if is there anything missing there.

Lastly, the Director presented three questions for an open discussion and also welcomes written feedback:

  • What is the role of industry and other stakeholders to help achieve greater labour market compliance (and a more level playing field)? This question looks at the role of voluntary schemes and accreditation, information sharing, and industry-led initiatives to empower employees’ voice
  • How can government and the enforcement bodies best support employers to be compliant? This looks at how regulation and guidance can be improved, and also how intentional and accidental NMW no compliance can be distinguished, balancing transparency and privacy in investigations.
  • Emerging and/or thorny issues. This is an opportunity to bridge the gaps left by the absence of a Single Enforcement Body and how compliance can be consistent and improved across the board.

Members who couldn’t attend the call are invited to submit their comments on the above and the wider strategy to