On 26th April 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) published further details of their "Positive List of Food Utensils, Containers and Packaging":
The Positive List System for Food Utensils, Containers, and Packaging
The guide to submitting application about the new draft of the Positive List
A deadline of 15th July appears to be a final opportunity for business operators to put forward details of substances that they use in food contact materials in their country (this also appears to be applicable for any business operator that is exporting FCMs to Japan) before they will appear in the first official published version. It also appears that any that are on the ‘pending’ list are particularly encouraged to apply to ensure that they make the final list. Submissions only appear to be accepted if the substance has been in use prior to 1 June 2020.
Courtesy of the Food Standards Agency