Government has published two consultations that are relevant to the Property Community.
Business Rates Avoidance and Evasion
At Spring Budget 2023, the government announced a consultation to explore the causes of, and potential measures to combat avoidance, evasion and poor rating agent behaviour within the business rates system to protect essential funding for local services.
The consultation focuses on measures to reform rates on unoccupied properties, wider business rates avoidance and evasion and rogue agents. Full details can be found here.
Permitted Development Rights - Consultation on Additional Flexibilities to Support Housing Development
The consultation is seeking views on a number of proposals relating to permitted development rights. This includes changes to rights that allow certain existing buildings to change to residential use, non-domestic extensions and rights that allow markets to operate. More details can be found here.
Members views on the two consultation documents are requested by Friday 1 September - please send these to
Alternatively, if you would like to arrange a time to discuss either consultation, please get in touch.