The Government has commissioned an independent review of its approach to net zero to ensure that it is delivered in a ‘pro-growth and pro-business’ way.
The review, led by former BEIS minister Chris Skidmore MP, is an opportunity to raise and press for action on issues that need clearer policy direction in order for us to meet our net zero by 2040 Climate Action Roadmap ambition.
The review will consider how the Government’s approach to net zero can:
- deliver maximum economic growth and investment, driving opportunities for private investment, jobs, innovation, exports, and growth right across the UK
- support UK energy security and affordability for consumers and business and the need to rapidly increase and strengthen UK energy production and supply
- minimise costs borne by businesses and consumers, particularly in the short-term
A number of questions (below) are posed for business as part of the Call for Evidence and we would appreciate input from members at the earliest opportunity. Please also consider these in the context of impacts on your wider supply chain.
We will be seeking a meeting with Chris Skidmore as part of the process as well as supplying written evidence.
What growth benefits/opportunities have you had or envisage having from the net zero transition?
- What barriers do you face in decarbonising your business and its operations?
- Looking at the international market in your sector, what green opportunities seem to be nascent or growing?
- What challenges has the net zero transition presented to your business?
- What impacts have changing consumer choices/demand had on your business?
- What impacts have decarbonisation/net zero measures had on your business?
- What more could be done to support your business and/or sector to decarbonise?
- How many green jobs do you estimate will be created in your sector by 2030?
The review will inform a report to be presented to the BEIS Secretary of State at the end of December 2022. Terms of reference are here.
Please submit any views to Deadline for comments to BRC is 20 October