Earlier this year, the UK Parliament's Public Accounts Committee opened a parliamentary inquiry into the Government's programme of waste reforms.

The Committee has now published its report, available at the following link: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5804/cmselect/cmpubacc/333/summary.html 

  • The Committee expresses concerns about a lack of certainty in the Government’s delayed collections and packaging reforms programme and its long-term waste planning.
  • The report warns that without clarification, local councils cannot invest and improve their recycling services and must delay procurement.
  • It also warns that there is a real risk this would result in insufficient facilities to deal with the increased volumes of recycling coming from the reforms, meaning that more plastics will be incinerated, taken to landfill, or exported to other countries than before.
  • Without the certainty of a long-term infrastructure plan, private sector companies lack the confidence to invest in new recycling facilities, compounding the issue of plastic waste.

BRC submission is available over here: https://brc.org.uk/news/csr/brc-submission-to-the-public-accounts-committee-inquiry-on-resources-and-waste/