Mondra's Tom Holden updated on the coalition project to deliver food and beverage carbon footprinting at scale, which is just entering its second phase. For phase two, objectives are:
- Deliver integrated tech platform to enable Net Zero progress across food
supply chains. - Align platform with standards, environmental programmes and Government initiatives
- Evidence decarbonisation through supply chain collaboration, from brand
owner to farmer - Achieve critical mass of adoption to deliver industry harmonization
Five grocery retailers are already signed up to the project alongside two food-to-go businesses and three major suppliers. It is hoped that branded manufacturers will join the project later in the year. A technical alignment group including WRAP, Defra, IGD and WWF will ensure alignment with current relevant standards and government-led carbon data work. Any grocery retailers/ food-to-go/restaurant businesses interested in taking part can contact
IGD Environmental Labelling Scheme
Nicki Hunt updated on the scheme to create a harmonised approach to food environmental labelling, designed to aid consumer purchasing and business supply chain decisions. The scheme is now entering a fourth phase of consumer research, continuing work on label prototypes and looking at the impact of environmental labels alongside other product information such as nutrition and animal welfare labelling. IGD will also be working with Mondra on data stress testing ahead of a submission of its findings to government as part of the Food Data Transparency work on environmental labelling.
Transition Plan Taskforce
Andrew Opie updated on the Transition Plan Taskforce following the closure of the consultation on its guidance and sandbox earlier this year. The first phase of the TPT in 2022 considered the interdependencies between climate transition plans and other sustainability topics. The TPT will explore wider areas through new Working Groups on nature, adaptation and just transition. BRC will be arranging a call with the TPT team to help members understand more.
2023 Priorities
Members are welcome to submit ideas for 2023 Reporting and Data Pathway priorities. Some members raised the need for more information on the FLAG accounting standard. You can listen-back to the FLAG webinar with 3 Keel here
Date of next meeting 20 June 2pm at BRC offices