The Government announced last year it would require listed companies to report how their business was planning to achieve net zero. This will become a requirement from 2023 and a team within The Treasury Transition Plan Taskforce has been established to develop the guidance for businesses to ensure compliance.
The guidance is designed to ensure robust, consistent reporting to allow investors, consumers and NGOs to compare progress by businesses and allow Government and businesses to identify where there may be gaps in dependent sectors.
The work on the guidance began earlier this Summer with a consultation on the general approach all businesses will need to take. Our response which includes the original question is below. The next stage will be sector specific guidance later this year, and our hope is we will be able to use our Climate Action Roadmap to demonstrate commitment by retailers to reach net zero.
It is important your business is aware of the likely requirements and thinks about compliance. The obvious place to start, if you aren’t already a signatory, is to join our Roadmap