The focus of TDUK Workshop: UK market opportunities for new Vietnamese products:
- Invite buyers and traders from UK and European companies who:
- Already import from Vietnam
- Do not import from Vietnam, but who buy products which could be supplied by Vietnam
- Provide a platform for TDUK and BRC members to share their current portfolio of timber materials and products from SE Asia including Vietnam and their own areas of interest regarding expanding supply in Vietnam
- Vietnam associations members to present current products offered and clarify use and availability
This session would take place online, building on in-depth trade discussion and connecting producers and importers and happen in early October (date TBC).
TDUK is looking to invite BRC members to present for two slots of ten minutes to:
- Outline current imports in non-specific terms
- Highlight current experiences and challenges with trading and importing from Vietnam
- Answer questions from participants
Would any retailers be interested in contributing their expertise to these presentations? Please email Leah if you are interested and we will put you in touch.