Earlier this year, BEIS ran a call for evidence on low emissions industrial products (BRC response here).

They have now published the summary of responses to the call for evidence: Towards a Market for Low Emissions Industrial Products available at https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/towards-a-market-for-low-emissions-industrial-products-call-for-evidence 

An executive summary is available below with interesting insights on defining 'low emissions', sectoral and product scope, emissions reporting and verifications, instruments and timings of policy implementation.

In general, respondents were supportive of the introduction of any demand-side policies, suggesting that government should take action as soon as it is practical, paying attention to the schemes and initiatives already in operation.

As the next step, BEIS and Treasury intend to consult later this year on a range of carbon leakage mitigation options. This will include the policies explored in the Call for Evidence, as well as whether measures such as product standards and a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) could be appropriate tools in the UK’s policy mix.