Many members will have joined WRAP’s key initiatives to cut the environmental impact of products they sell, particularly addressing carbon and water. These initiatives provide valuable support to any retailer in food or textiles implementing their own sustainable strategy and more information is available here. We are already working closely with WRAP on our Climate Action Roadmap and aim to do more with them, particularly around identifying and reducing scope 3 emissions, in 2023.
A short summary of the updates for the 3 initiatives is below but there are some headline conclusions WRAP has made in its report. Firstly, there is good progress highlighted but also that significant progress also depends on changes in consumption, particularly in Textlies 2030 but also Food 2030. Secondly, the timing and effectiveness of Government interventions will determine the success against targets, particularly in the Plastics Pact in terms of consistent collection and the EPR.
Plastics Pact
- Plastics pact sets targets for signatories, including many retailers to reduce the impact of packaging, you can read the latest update here. Targets are for 2025 and the latest report covers until the end of 2021
- Target 1 Eliminating Problematic Plastics. 84% reduction since 2018
- Target 2 100% Plastics Reusable or Recyclable. Increase to 70% from 66% 2018. WRAP believes this target is unlikely to be reached due to a lack of consistent kerbside collection of plastic bags and film.
- Target 3 Boost % of Recycled Plastic to 70%. WRAP believes this may not be met, despite the ban on experts of plastics due to the lack of a comprehensive EPR
- Target 4 Increasing Recycling Content in Packaging to 30%. There has been a significant increase to 22% in 2021 from 8% in 2018, WRAP believes the Plastics Tax has had an impact on this increase.
Courtauld 2030
- This is the most mature WRAP initiative running since 2005 with widespread support from members and the food industry. It has three targets, to reduce food waste by 50% compared to 2007, reduce GHG emissions by 50% in food by 2030 compared to 2015 and ensure 50% of water sourced for food production is from sustainable sources by 2030. More details on the update here
- Good progress on assessment of scope 3, 16% of businesses using the WRAP GHG Protocol
- Retail food waste continues to fall, another 8% between 2018 and 2021
- Actions by retailers to remove packaging and durability dates was helping reduce packaging and curbing household food waste
- More progress on river management in the UK and abroad
- Challenge remains household food waste, the largest element of UK food waste
Textiles 2030
- WRAP has been building support over the last few years and now has a number of our members, brands and recycling organisations as signatories, these now account for over 60% of UK textile sales. The aim is to reduce carbon by 50% and water use by 30% by 2030 more details on the update here
- Signatories have now established 2019 baselines and reported on progress for the first time. Allows WRAP to track progress and focus activity in priority areas
- Reporting shows both carbon (4%) and water (1%) rose between this time, although WRAP acknowledges this would have been higher if signatories had not made a number of positive interventions
- WRAP says rise due to continuing increase of sales and only curbing consumption alongside improving supply chains will deliver the 2030 targets