
Circular Economy Policy Timeline

We have published an updated version of our Circular Economy policy timeline for 2025.

The interactive graphic outlines the policy landscape for the Circular Economy agenda until 2050, featuring upcoming and expected regulatory milestones and policy targets. The timeline includes updates for six key sectors for action, based on available data on the amount of waste or carbon emissions produced.

  • Waste
  • Packaging, plastics and single-use items
  • Food and drink
  • Textiles
  • Furniture
  • Electronics

You can view the interactive timeline here, or download for the full-screen version below.


Download the Circular Economy Policy Time Here


Sustainability Masterclass: Developing and Delivering your Strategy (April)

Through guest speaker presentations, case study examples and group activities, this interactive 2-day workshop will help you demystify core sustainability concepts, gain a practical understanding of environmental impact management and work collectively to agree best practices in sustainability strategy and reporting. 

02 April 2025The Form Rooms

Associate Members with expertise in Sustainability