The BRC's Climate Action Roadmap is the retail industry's ambition to deliver net zero in its supply chains, direct operations, and products sold by 2040.
A bold industry initiative, the Roadmap will make a huge contribution to the UK’s climate strategy through its ambition to accelerate, galvanise and unite progress towards a net zero retail industry by 2040 – ten years ahead of the UK Government’s 2050 target.
The products we buy account for nearly a third of all household emissions, placing the retail industry among the highest contributors to emissions in the UK. The Roadmap is retail’s recognition that it has a key part to play in tackling climate change, through considerable emissions reductions across its own operations as well as in collaboration with suppliers and customers.
The Roadmap is designed to provide retailers with guidance on the steps they can take to decarbonise their operations and supply chains. The Roadmap’s ambition is supported by the vast majority of UK retailers – from the largest brands to the smallest chains, on the high street and online.
To achieve net zero, the Roadmap identifies five pathways for action with key milestones.
Find the Climate Action Roadmap’s headline ambitions for 2040 and a breakdown of the targets and milestones for the five pathways in the Executive Summary.
Find new updates, reports, and events on climate action in our Climate content hub.
Our Five Pathways
For information and queries relating to the Climate Action Roadmap, please contact Tracey Banks.
Putting greenhouse gas data at the core of business decision making
Operating energy-efficient sites powered by renewable energy
Moving to low-carbon logistics
Sustainably sourcing raw materials
Helping our employees and customers live low-carbon lifestyles
Supporting Retailers
Roadmap Partners
Roadmap Contributors
Climate Action Content
Sustainability Masterclass: Developing and delivering your strategy
Simpler Recycling Members Call
SRC Response to Net Zero on disposable vapes ban
Collaborating to drive progress for a greener tomorrow
Climate Action Member Showcase: Changing Consumer Behaviour
F Gas Regulations and the Future of Refrigerants
Net Zero Transition Plans: setting a gold standard
SRC Briefing on Disposable Cups May 2024
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of your Property Portfolio: Post Event Write-Up
BearingPoint UK Retail Sustainability Maturity Assessment Report
Carbon Border Tax
TCFD and beyond: navigating the evolving landscape of climate-related disclosures
The 60/90 Dilemma: why sluggish UK retail supply chains are due a rethink
WRC - Letter on Workplace Recycling Regulations
WRC - Letter on Workplace Recycling Regulations
Growing more and growing better with the Yield Enhancement Network
Climate Action Roadmap Review – Member Survey
Report on Green Issues Meetings with CMA and ASA
CMA publishes first informal guidance on Green issues competition
UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Scope 3
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