Takeaways & Interview Reflections

2025 Sustainability Horizon Scan

In January, the BRC hosted our Annual Sustainability Horizon Scan for 2025 at The Form Rooms, in partnership with RSM.

You can read the key highlights from the event's presentations and four workshops, as well as watch our organisers and attendees reflect on their key takeaways from the day, below.

The ESG Imperative: Looking Ahead at 2025

The Horizon Scan kicked off with a look forward at 2025 by our own Sustainability Team, who provided an essential overview of the key legislation and priorities for the year ahead and how the BRC is supporting retailers to navigate the latest developments across the sustainability agenda. The RSM team delved into "the ESG imperative" for 2025, in an insightful overview of their latest Consumer Outlook Report and reflections on the rise of the conscious consumer.

View the slides here.

Workshop 1: Enhancing data & technology capabilities

Our first workshop explored how businesses can enhance their data and technology capabilities to track their ESG performance and unlock opportunities for innovation.

Read the slides and key takeaways from the discussions here.

Workshop 2: Integrating long-term ESG macro trends into the strategy

The second workshop examined how businesses can integrate quantified risks and long-term ESG macro trends into their strategies.

Read the slides and key takeaways from the discussions here.

Workshop 3: Collaborating and holding ourselves accountable with external stakeholders

Our third workshop delved into how businesses should collaborate with external stakeholders to hold themselves accountable and drive transparency.

Read the slides and key takeaways from the discussions here.

Workshop 4: Empowering employees to drive sustainability

The final workshop aimed to support businesses in recognising the pivotal role of their employees in driving the success of sustainability initiatives.

Read the slides and key takeaways from the discussions here.

Interview Reflections: Key Takeaways

The Annual Sustainability Horizon Scan looked to the year ahead, to the priorities, challenges and opportunities for retailers. At the close of the day, some of our organisers and attendees considered the most significant sustainability priorities and challenges for businesses in 2025 and reflected on their key takeaways from the day, with a focus on how BRC events such as the Horizon Scan enable insightful and proactive industry collaboration.

Watch the highlights from the interviews below.



What's Next for 2025?

As part of our mission to facilitate industry collaboration and support retailers to drive positive action in response to sustainability challenges and opportunities, we have plenty of planned events and activities for you to get involved with across 2025.


  • Climate Action Roadmap Food Net Zero Group, 6 March: As part of the BRC's Climate Action Roadmap, our sector groups provide a collaborative space for retailers to share experiences and best practice, with the goal of collectively accelerating the industry transition to net zero. Register HERE.
  • Human Rights in Retail Breakfast, 25 March: Our first sustainability breakfast event of the year will explore the evolving landscape of human rights in retail and provide valuable insights into ensuring responsible business practices. The session will cover key regulatory updates from government, industry best practices on due diligence, and real-world worker experiences. Register HERE.
  • Sustainability Masterclass, 2 & 3 April: In collaboration with Position Green, the Masterclass represents an invaluable learning opportunity for sustainability professionals. Register HERE.



BRC Leaders Summer School 2025

The industry-leading programme for mid-level retail leaders who are ready to drive positive change in their businesses. With a focus on conscious leadership, the programme combines real-world examples and rich content to address the industry's most pressing challenges.

10 June 2025Ashridge House, Berkhamsted

Associate Members with expertise in Sustainability