
Bringing together retailers, policy makers, and influencers


Bringing together retailers, policy makers, and influencers

BRC CSR community: update on EU packaging reform

6 June, 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 | Teams

BRC CSR community is hosting a session to update members and associates on the latest developments in the EU packaging reform.

Our external speakers include Marzia Scopelliti, Senior Public Affairs Manager at EUROPEN. EUROPEN is the European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment. We are also looking to invite officials from DAERA to dive into the implications for Northern Ireland

The reform of the PPWR is bringing important changes covering all packaging, regardless of the material used, and all packaging waste, regardless of its origin (including industry, manufacturing, retail, and households).

This session will be particularly relevant to UK retailers trading in Europe and to those who wish to understand the implications of the new requirements around sustainability requirements and recyclable packaging, packaging waste reduction targets, re-use and refill targets, DRS, restrictions on certain packaging formats and labelling implications.