Our Industry Benchmarks

Our Industry Benchmarks


BRC membership gives retailers access to leading industry benchmarks. Compare your performance to your peers to learn where you are beating and underperforming in the market. There are no additional fees to pay - BRC benchmarks are included as part of membership.


    The UK's most comprehensive and robust sales measure. 

    In partnership with KPMG, the BRC operates a weekly retail sales benchmark for participating retailers. Every BRC member is encouraged to join the Benchmark - there is no additional cost; it is a benefit of BRC membership. 

    Participants agree to submit their sales data by 4 pm each Monday. In return, they receive aggregated benchmarks by Tuesday lunchtime, accessed via a dedicated KPMG portal. The benchmarks track 20 exhaustive product categories for total and like-for-like sales by channel (UK, Online, Scotland, and Food on the Go). 

    Members who participate in the BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Benchmark agree to the Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy

    To join the Retail Sales Benchmark, please email Asim Dey, Analyst.

    We are also developing a new 'Pre-loved' benchmark alongside the Retail Sales Monitor, in order to track this emerging market. Pre-loved sales are becoming a more important part of the retail landscape every day, as sustainability continues to increase in importance for retailers and consumers alike. If you would like to be a part of this measure, please email Asim Dey.


    Measure your people metrics

    The BRC HR Benchmark allows retailers to compare their people metrics to the industry. Key measures such as absence, turnover vacancies and time-to-hire are included. The benchmark is run quarterly and is free to participate in for retail members.


    Benchmark your digital operations

    Online sales are included in the BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Benchmark. The Digital Benchmark is designed to focus on operational metrics critical to online performance. Metrics covered include website performance, payments, traffic, and email metrics.

    This benchmark is currently in pilot. To find out more, please get in touch with Tina Spooner, Strategic Insight Manager.