This article is provided by BRC Associate Member Amber.


In the realm of sustainability and corporate responsibility, the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework in the UK often gets a bad rap.

Seen as just another box to tick, SECR compliance tends to be approached with negativity and viewed as something to get out of the way.

But what if we told you that SECR compliance could be the catalyst for something truly transformative, and (dare we say) exciting?

The question is: how do we transform daunting figures into meaningful impact and reduced emissions?

Shifting the SECR narrative

As energy and Net Zero experts, we understand the common sentiment that compliance can sometimes feel like a burden.

However, it’s time to shift the narrative and view SECR as an opportunity to set your business apart from competitors.

As SECR data is publicly available on the Companies House website, it’s an opportunity to collect information and benchmark your carbon performance against the competition.

Having the numbers in the public eye is a chance to demonstrate your progress, as those following your sustainability journey need to have a picture of where you started.

If you are happy with your SECR figures, this is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate that you are a climate leader and prepared to publicly hold your business to account.

Engaging with the board and sustainability teams

To unlock the potential of SECR, it's essential for boards and sustainability teams to embrace it as more than just a statutory requirement.

Instead, consider the journey towards Net Zero as a powerful tool to excite and inform stakeholders.

Transparency speaks volumes to customers, but before you convey your ambitions and achievements to them, board members and sustainability teams need to have the complete picture.

Informing future sustainability reports

Taking things a step further and expanding your reporting to include some Scope 3 categories would be beneficial for future Net Zero planning. By completing your basic SECR requirements, businesses won’t begin the Net Zero journey blindly, but well-informed about the baseline of their carbon emissions.

There are no restrictions on voluntarily expanding your reporting, and by increasing your understanding earlier you will gain a more comprehensive view of your actual emissions – enabling you to de-risk and reduce your carbon impact.

Having a data-driven approach will ensure that your current and future targets are ambitious but also grounded in the organisation’s everyday reality, making successful implementation more achievable.

In summary

Instead of viewing SECR compliance as a reluctant obligation, businesses should see it as a stepping stone towards a sustainable and exciting future.

By embracing SECR compliance with enthusiasm and a commitment to transparency, businesses can not only meet regulatory standards but also illuminate blind spots.

Does your organisation need support with SECR? Contact Amber to find out more about how you can comply.