The BRC and its members have been working with FNET to define the process for managing Collaborative Action Required (CAR) finding non compliances. Please see the relevant documents below.

What is a Collaborative Action Required finding?

A collaborative action required is a type of non compliance audit finding. They are recorded against fixed Workplace Requirements, where a site practice does not meet the Base Code, but the responsibility and ability to enact closure may reside with more stakeholders than just the audited site.
Typical reasons for CAR’s findings could be:

  • The audited party does not have the capacity/ responsibility to close the issue without support from other relevant stakeholders, such as commercial partners/buyers.
  • Remediation of the issue requires an indeterminate and possibly extended timeframe, rather than a predetermined deadline as set within the Sedex platform. CARs may need long-term closure plans, potentially spanning multiple years.
  • There is a risk of adverse consequences if closure of a particular issue is not approached with due consideration and time provided for adequate risk assessment.
  • Evidencing effective remediation is complex and it is outside the capacity of existing SMETA methodology to validate through evidence provided during an onsite assessment alone.
To facilitate a longer-term approach and to reduce the likelihood of undue pressure on suppliers to close issues that may be out of their control, Sedex does not prescribe a closure date, criticality, nor a verification methodology for these findings.