Food Community Bulletin - July (1st Update 12.07.2024)

Hope everyone has had a great week.

Following the recent change in government, we are engaging with the Defra team. Steve Read has held onto the Defra secretary role and we had a call with him earlier this week, and writing to him next week. We will also be writing to Daniel Zeicher next week, who will be taking the food portfolio.

In this weeks bulletin, we have FSA updates for new legislation for additives, novel foods and flavourings, a consultation for ashwagandha food supplements, an informal consultation for allergens PAL for Codex, and food prices. In the allergens space, the IFST shared a new hub, and the FDF shared draft guidance with us on allergen recall prevention. We also have updates for folic acid, net zero, Welsh HFSS, lots in the news, and some interesting papers from industry, including for cell meat.