The changes in business waste management are planned to come into force on 6 April 2024 – you can read the ministerial statement over here. 

The detailed explanation is available on the regularly updated general landing page Separated waste collections for business, public sector and third sector organisations | GOV.WALES 

We recommend you familiarise yourself with the Code of Practice 

The new requirements  

The Non-Domestic Premises Recycling Regulations have wide-reaching implications for businesses across all sectors.  

 From 6 April 2024 the following materials will need to be separated for collection, and collected separately: 

  • food produced by premises producing more than 5kg of food waste a week 
  • paper and card 
  • glass 
  • metal, plastic, and cartons and other fibre-plastic composite packaging of a similar composition 
  • unsold small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE) - (implementation delayed by3 years)
  • unsold textiles - (implementation delayed by 3 years)

There will also be a ban on the following: 

  • Sending food waste to sewers 
  • Separately collected waste going to incineration plants and landfills and ban all wood waste going to landfill 


Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will regulate the separation requirements and the bans on waste going to incineration and landfill. Local Authorities (LAs) will regulate the ban on the disposal of food waste to sewer from non-domestic premise.

Businesses who fail to comply with the regulations are at risk of facing several penalties. A fine of £500 will be levied for non-compliance with section 45AA(2) of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act, and a £300 penalty will be imposed for breaching section 45AA(4). Variable penalties will be in place where the infringement is more nuanced – to be calculated on the severity of the offence including any financial benefits that might have been gained from the non-compliance.

Who is affected by the proposed changes 

All sectors are included, e.g. retail and hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, external events. 

The legal requirements to separate their waste will affect: 

  • the occupiers of businesses (including retailers), the public sector and third sector organisations (called non-domestic premises) who will need to separate their waste ready for collection 
  • businesses who collect the waste, or arrange for waste to be collected 
  • businesses who collect, receive, keep, treat, or transport waste who will need to keep the waste separate from other types of waste or substances 

Get business-ready  

In February 2024, WRAP Cymru hosted a Retail Specific Workshop to advise retailer business on the forthcoming rules. The recording is available at the following link:

All the resources produced by WRAP Cymru to support the implementation of the Regulations can be found here - Workplace Recycling - Resources (

Members can also read the Q&A from the retail webinar for further guidance and advice

You can also find all the relevant Workplace Recycling rules campaign assets (tools kits, information and guides provided by the Welsh Government) at the following link: