This article is provided by BRC Associate Member, WTW


It’s critical to know where your organization stands when it comes to benchmarking your emerging risks and risk management actions against the market. What have my peers spotted that I haven’t? What actions are being taken by organizations above and below us on emerging risks? Do you know what your employees see as the key risk sources across different industries and geographies? This is why having the latest insights is so crucial to your success.

We want to hear from you. How do your emerging risks and actions compare?

Following the production of our futures reports for Leisure & Hospitality and Retail, we are looking to produce the next insight series, and as part of this we invite you to participate in WTW’s 2024 Emerging and Interconnected Risk survey.  By participating in this survey you will secure your access to these responses by sharing your views: 

Your answers will be anonymized and will be a source of valuable information for risk leaders and decision makers. The results will also allow you to benchmark yourself among your peers at industry and country levels. 

We know the risk landscape is complex, interconnected and ever-changing, and challenging organisations to ask questions of their strategy.  Structured in 5 sections the survey explores: the risk sources of most concern, the top emerging risks you are focused on, interconnectivity between risks, and the actions being taken today and planned for the future. 

All survey responses submitted will be held in the strictest confidence. WTW will publish findings in the aggregate and all survey participants will receive the final report of survey findings. 

To access the recent WTW industry specific reports click here: Leisure and hospitality: Responding to megatrends in 2024  Retail Futures report: Your roadmap to resilience