SCA update, November 2021

  • Andrew Cregan avatar
    Andrew Cregan Finance Policy Adviser | BRC Alumni

Please log-in to view the "Sprint Ramp Up Plan" adopted by UK banks for the step-up of online transactions for 2-factor authentication / Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in Q1 2022.

Banks were reprimanded by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for deviating from previous industry plan that would have seen a more gradual increase in step-ups for transactions from June this year. This new plan provides end-users with an impossible (2 month) time frame to identify solutions to any potential problems with SCA implementation between mid-January 2022 (starting from 3% of transactions) to mid-March 2022 (when 100% of transactions must be SCA compliant).

The BRC will soon issue messaging for retailers to use at the point-of-sale to inform customers of the changes that are taking place, and what they can do to minimise disruption.

The actions and decisions of the last Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Programme Steering Group, held on 14th October, can also be downloaded below (please log-in).