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National Retail Crime Steering Group

Violence and Abuse against Shop Workers

National Retail Crime Steering Group

Violence and Abuse against Shop Workers

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Partnership working between businesses, with the police and other agencies has a number of benefits in reducing business crime. There are a number of different types of partnerships that businesses can get involved with, and this page provides some examples.

Types of Partnership Working: 

Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) – A managed, member-led scheme supporting businesses and working in partnership with Police, Local Authorities and key stakeholders to identify persistent and prolific offenders and share intelligence and best practice to prevent the impact of business-related crime within a defined area. 

Business Improvement District (BID) – A business-led and business-funded body formed to improve a defined commercial area. This can sometimes incorporate a BCRP, or they will work in partnership with an existing scheme in the area. 

Shopwatch schemes – A collection of retailers within a town centre working together to share information and support each other in preventing crime 

Pubwatch schemes – A collection of licensed premises within a town centre working together to share information and support each other in preventing crime

Effective data sharing can lead to better outcomes for businesses and police, examples can be found here.

For more information on partnership working options, please refer to the National Business Crime Centre website.