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National Retail Crime Steering Group

Violence and Abuse against Shop Workers

National Retail Crime Steering Group

Violence and Abuse against Shop Workers

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Section 3

Reporting a crime in a non-emergency

In a non-emergency call 101:

The following are risk factors to be aware of. Please inform the police if the following apply as it will help them to decide on the most appropriate policing response: 

  • If there is a safeguarding issue and a need to protect a vulnerable person, for example children or the elderly.

  • Violence has been used or someone has been threatened, physically or verbally. Always report this first e.g. I was assaulted whilst trying to stop a shop theft.

  • Where there is an injury or there is a concern for the welfare of somebody at the scene

  • Alcohol, mental health issues or drugs are involved or suspected

  • If the offender is still at the scene or in the immediate area i.e. the risk is still present

  • Young people or foreign nationals are involved or if there are language difficulties

  • If there is a risk that evidence will be lost in the ‘immediacy’, for example forensics or witnesses

  • If property has been recovered or found

If a person has been detained the police may also request their name and address, this allows checks to be made to ascertain if the person is wanted or a prolific offender. Where a name and address cannot be verified, inform the police.

The police will also ask:

  • If there are any witnesses to the incident and their details if they are willing for them to be passed to the police

  • If the offender is known

Other reporting avenues for non-emergency situations

Crimestoppers either by phone on 0800 555 111 or their website.