D&I Charter Workshop: Menopause and older workers - meeting notes

Please find below the meeting notes of the BRC/RPC D&I Charter Workshop – Menopause and older workers, hosted on 04 September 2023. 

At our recent D&I Charter workshop, signatories met to discuss Menopause and Older Workers. We were joined by a guest speaker Simon Long, Growth Director at 55/Redefined, and Ellie Gelder and Kelly Thomson from the RPC. 

The RPC provided an overview of menopause support including, the difference between perimenopause and menopause and intersectional nuances and the subsequent additional challenges. We're also joined by 55/Redefined for an insightful conversation on the recruitment of over 50s. 

These workshops are exclusive to D&I Charter signatories, who have also received a copy of the presentation slides. 

If you’re not yet involved in the D&I Charter and would like to hear more about the initiative, please get in touch with luiza.gomes@brc.org.uk.