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Climate Action Roadmap

Climate Action Roadmap

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Key initiatives

UK initiatives

  • Retail Energy Forum - The Retail Energy Forum (REF) is a collection of leading UK retailers with a combined aim to share best practice to reduce the carbon footprint of every member company. REF was formed in 2006 and works closely with the Government in the development of energy policies to support the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy, focusing on sharing practical measures that result in real and measurable energy reduction.

  • Industrial Strategy Building Mission - Aims to at least halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030. As part of the Grand Challenges missions, BEIS have set out to make buildings more energy efficient, and increase the use of smart technologies to cut household energy bills, reduce demand for energy, and boost economic growth while meeting targets for carbon reduction.

  • Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) - The BBP is a membership collaboration of the UK's leading commercial property owners who are working together to improve the sustainability of existing commercial building stock.

  • UK Green Building Council - UK-GBC is an industry-led network with a mission to radically improve the sustainability of the built environment. Paid membership.

  • Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) - An incentive programme administered by Ofgem that offers payments to support the purchase and installation of renewable heat technologies. The Non-Domestic RHI pays on a quarterly basis for 20 years. Businesses meeting the eligibility criteria can use the RHI for biomass fuelled boilers, solar condensers, heat pumps, biogas systems, and other technologies.

  • Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) - An incentive programme administered by Ofgem that offers payments to small-scale generators of low-carbon electricity who export to the National Grid. Eligible entities utilising solar, wind, micro combined heat and power, hydro, or anaerobic digestion to return energy to the National Grid are guaranteed a tariff – even if wholesale electricity prices fall below zero.

Global initiatives

  • RE100 - The RE100 signatory commitment is a global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity. Led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, RE100’s mission is to accelerate a global shift to clean energy and zero carbon grids. BRC signatories to RE100 include IKEA, Next, and many others.

  • The Consumer Goods Forum - Approved a second Refrigeration Resolution in 2016 that followed on action from 2010 to 2015 to phase out HFCs. Members commit to installing ultra-low global warming potential refrigerants, as well as engaging with suppliers and civil society to overcome technical barriers to ultra-low global warming potential refrigerants. BRC signatories include Sainsbury’s and M&S.