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Monitor, Measure and Report Supply Chain Scope 3 Emissions: Guide for Retailers

More than 90% of retailers’ Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are generated within global supply chains. Known as Scope 3 emissions, these are outside of retailers’ direct control.

Being able to track, measure and reduce Scope 3 emissions therefore represents one of the biggest challenges for UK retailers. But we must tackle this issue if we are to get the whole of the UK retail industry and its supply chains to Net Zero by 2040.

In partnership with our Pathway 4 Partner, IBM, we have produced the Guide “Monitor, Measure and Report Supply Chain Scope 3 Emissions”.

The Guide explains more about Scope 3, provides frameworks and strategies for how retailers can gain better visibility and improve reporting of their Scope 3 emissions; and how retailers can work with supply chain partners to identify where and how to act to achieve the greatest reductions.

Thank you to IBM, our Pathway 4 Partner

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